When it comes to a booking inquiry from a client asking for a portrait session, I have a few questions to ask them first before giving an estimate.
I find it very helpful to plan the poses of this session if I know that the portrait will be for what purpose to be used such as professional headshots, matrimony or dating site site, personal job application, social media posts, personal websites, job interview related or any other.
Based on the above I suggest the attire or color combinations that will be suitable for the session.
I also ask to bring a couple of suit jackets, ties for male clients as they are easy to change and can give the portrait a different flair altogether. For female clients it is usually 1-2 sets of dresses (can be traditional or western style), accompanying jewellery and small makeup accessories.
During the sessions I try to make my clients feel relaxed, ask them if they have any poses that they have saved from the internet, if they have any ideas that they want during the session.
When it comes to portraits in studio, prime lenses are my go to. My favourites are 50 mm and 85mm. If the portrait session is outdoor, I have a 100mm in my bag as well.
Lights and modifiers are very important in studio especially if the session takes place in the evening or night. I frequently use a light meter to gauge the iso, f stop needed for the camera at that particular time.
A white background is always my first choice. I find it pops the color of the attire.
A reflector on one side adds to the dynamic depth of the image with nice shadows and lights on face.
A white fabric is laid on the floor where my client will usually stand for his/her portrait shots. This adds to a very soft lit light coming from lower level that adds a charm to the portrait.
Finally lots of laughter, casual and fun chit chats are very helpful to create a relaxed atmosphere in the studio, makes the portraits more natural and help my clients to overcome the camera conscious looks in their face.